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5 ideal Sports for Children from 6 to 12 years old

 Practicing sports activities brings a range of very good benefits for children's development. In fact, the sports and exercise  establish a mental well - being , improving the autonomy of the individual , the memory , the  speed of ideas , and so on .

This should be taken advantage of at the age of 6 to 12 years , since it is at this stage when children can define their interests, tastes and hobbies for a sport. 

It is important that you let him choose the sport that he likes best. A good practice would be to try each one, and in the end the child is the one who decides which is the best option or the one that has attracted the most attention.

Compiling opinions of experts on the subject, there are 5 sports that are ideal for children of these ages, and that serve a lot for their development, among which are: 

1. Athletics

It is a complete sport that can include running, jumping or throwing . Depending on whether one or the other is practiced, the age of initiation may vary. It has similarities to cycling, as it also promotes coordination and endurance .

2. Basketball

As a team sport , basketball encourages sociability , which is ideal for shy children . In addition, the very dynamics of the game teach children to act quickly , to make decisions and to solve problem situations.

3. Soccer

It is an activity that provides benefits for the health and emotional development of children who practice it, as it helps them acquire discipline, organization and concentration.

Besides that: 

  • Enhances the spirit of improvement and sacrifice.
  • Generates self-esteem in the child.
  • Increases the ability to work in a group and to make an effort.

4. Football

The football is one of the most popular sports and followed throughout the world. Boys, girls, adolescents, adults and grandparents take to the field to, according to the possibilities of each one, spend a time of maximum concentration and, above all, fun.

5. Tae Kwon Do or Judo

Tae Kwon Do is very beneficial for coordination , discipline, self-esteem, and relationships with other children.

Sport is not only a good way for children to be physically active, it is also a good educational tool.Of course, these sports activities help us to complement and enrich the academic training of children. We carry them out from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

On the other hand, at all times we seek that the benefits of the sport they choose are reflected in their school performance, but above all in their well-being.

We invite you to know more details of this learning process, make an appointment and solve all the doubts you have. In it, you can also take a tour of the facilities and meet the teaching staff. 

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