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How Sports help In mental health

Sport is one among the simplest allies of psychological state. The practice of workout and sports, both within the activities of lifestyle and during a regulated way , contributes to creating us feel better. But does that mean that it prevents the onset of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or depression ?

There are multiple studies that answer yes to this question. For example, the one carried out by the research team of Gabriel Rodríguez, tenured professor at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (INEF) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid , which was published in 2015 in the Journal of Sports Psychology .

The most conclusion was that "subjects with high or moderate levels of total physical activity and in free time have higher levels of psychological state than those that perform a coffee level of physical activity." Furthermore, the study authors found that "the level of physical activity carried out in leisure time is inversely related to vulnerability to mental disorders."

The research was carried out with a sample of more than 1,400 people between 15 and 74 years old residing in the Community of Madrid, who were interviewed to learn about both the physical activity they practiced -in their free time, at work and on your way - such as your mental health. 15 percent suffered from some type of mental disorder and 19.8 percent exercised insufficiently.

When evaluating only physical activity in leisure time, it was observed that the risk of suffering from mental illness in sufficiently active individuals (those who were at high or moderate levels of exercise) was reduced by more than 50 percent when compared to insufficiently active.

Relationship between exercise and mental health?

How does sport modify our brain? The authors of this research affirm that there is still not enough scientific evidence to explain the power of exercise against mental pathology. He said that an attempt has been made to establish the biochemical potential of the effect of physical activity on mental health.

Although the exact physiological mechanisms are not known, there are very valuable clues and clues about what happens in our body when we exercise. Iván Pico, psychologist and author of the website , declares that there is no doubt that physical exercise "improves quality of life and general well-being."

Regarding the specific mechanisms involved in this beneficial effect, he points out the hypothesis that some of the main neurotransmitters (substances used by neurons to communicate with each other) are activated by physical activity. They will be the so-called pleasure quartet hormones: serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine.


Serotonin is the hormone that is secreted, according to Pico, when “we feel important . Raises our self-esteem and our confidence ”. Enhances our confidence and confidence. Practicing the sport promotes their independence because it means overcoming challenges and reinforcing the feeling of belonging to the group we recognize.Not surprisingly, levels of this hormone are very low in people with depression and anxiety.


Psychologists say that endorphins "work in the brain as if it were a pain killer." In fact, it is often called natural morphine.  It is secreted with exercise, promoting a state of relaxation . Its release is especially beneficial in the face of stress and fear states.


It is the neurotransmitter of pleasure par excellence. It is segregated when something stimulates us or makes us feel good. In sports, Pico argues, "aspects such as overcoming challenges or the approval of other people produce pleasure, which encourages us to continue practicing ."


It is the hormone in charge of balancing emotional and affective bonds . With the help of sports practice, interpersonal relationships are established that favor the segregation of this hormone.

Psychological benefits of sport

Regardless of the specific role of certain substances, whose operation has been simplified in this article, sport affects our emotional well-being . These are some of the psychological benefits to which it contributes:

  • It improves general physical condition , which reduces the likelihood of stress, anxiety, and other disorders.
  • By promoting the release of the same substances that are secreted when certain drugs are given, you can reduce your drug use .
  • It promotes sensory stimulation , by having to pay attention to the ball, teammates, the coach or the rules of the game.
  • Improves psychomotor dexterity .
  • Promotes inter and intrapersonal communication (helps to know each other better).
  • Increase personal self-esteem by overcoming challenges.
  • Improves planning , having to submit to a schedule and discipline.
  • Those who do sports tend to surround themselves with people with healthy habits , who eat well, do not smoke, etc.
  • Improves independence and sense of responsibility.
  • Stimulates the work of emotional intelligence (self-control of emotions, self-knowledge ...).
  • Encourage social skills .
  • Improves empathy in the face of failure or victory, as well as in the face of injuries to other athletes.
  • Reduces subjective fatigue and improves resistance to stress.
  • It improves personal self-efficacy , since it leads to feeling capable of overcoming difficult situations.
  • It positively affects resilience , which is the ability to overcome adversity.
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